Pet Friendly Travel: Top 5 Moving Day Tips for Pets

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It’s moving day for you and your pet! Your house is all packed up and you’re waiting for the movers to arrive. You’ve gone through your pre-moving day pet checklist…new pet ID tags – check, pet travel carrier – check, booked pet friendly hotels & accommodations – check, etc… Although pre-moving steps are essential to help ensure a stress free move for you and your pet, you’re not out of the woods yet!

Here are the top 5 moving day tips for pets:

1. Keep Your Pet Safe and Secure: This is equally important when moving out of your old home AND moving into your new home. With all the noise, open doors, and potential chaos involved in a physical move, it’s important to make sure your pet is safe, happy, and secure. Put your pet in a quiet and safe place. Best flea medicine for cats here.

2. Check on them Regularly: If your pet is at home on moving day, be sure to check in on them regularly throughout the day. Maintain their regular routine for feeding, walks, bathroom breaks and loving.

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3. Familiar Surroundings at New Home: One of the best ways to help your pet become comfortable more quickly in their new home is to have their “stuff” in it before you introduce your dog, cat, or other furry family member into your (their) new place. Whether it be their favorite chair, dog bed, throw rug, toys, or all of the above – surround your pet with familiar things. Be prepared with all the necessary items your pet will need from day one in your new home.

4. Keep Your Pets On-Leash: We’ve heard so many tragic stories of pets running off when moving to a new home. Pet parents need to be aware that even dogs that are excellent under voice control can become distracted very easily in a new neighborhood and surroundings.

5. Better Safe than Sorry: You hate to think of this, but in the unfortunate event that your pet runs off, have a recent photo of your pet on hand. In addition to your pet’s ID tag and microchip, a photo of your pet will also help to ensure a safe return home for your pet.